Events for the Week of September 18th:
-Monday, September 18th:
--"Inside Out & Backwards Day"
-Tuesday, September 19th:
--"Anything But a Backpack Day"
--Junior High Cross Country at Wheeler
-Wednesday, September 20th:
--"Twin Day"
-Thursday, September 21st:
--"Fancy Vs. Casual Day"
--Bandit Football Vs. Miami at Lefors at 5:30pm
--Homecoming Parade starting in front of High School at 7:30pm
--Bonfire following Parade at Bridgett & Aaron Hunt's
-Friday, September 22nd:
--End of 1st 6 Weeks
--"Sail Away to Victory Day"
--Pep Rally at 3:15pm in Big Gym
--Homecoming Court at 6:30pm
--Homecoming Game- Pirate Football Vs. PCHEA at 7:00pm
--Homecoming Dance at Little Gym following the game
-Saturday, September 23rd:
--High School Cross Country at Lubbock