Events for the Week of September 30th:
-Monday, September 30th:
--Dress Up Day: "Merica Day"
-Tuesday, October 1st:
--Dress Up Day: "Wacky/Tacky"
--JH & HS Cross Country at Spearman
--5th Grade Science Field Trip
-Wednesday, October 2nd:
--Dress Up Day: "Scuba/Tourist Day"
-Thursday, October 3rd:
--Dress Up Day: "Jersey/Favorite Team Day"
--Homecoming Parade at 7:30pm (Start in front of HS)
--Homecoming Bonfire (Following the Parade)
Friday, October 4th:
--Dress Up Day: "Pirate Spirit Day"
--Homecoming PepRally at 3:15pm on Side Lawn
--Bandit Football vs. Booker at Lefors at 5:00pm
--Homecoming Court at 6:30pm
--Pirate Football vs. Booker at 7:00pm -Homecoming!